We guarantee we can train your sales teams how to sell more exhibit space, and your management team on how to better train and monitor sales teams without alienating them. How to be their coach and friend!
We can train your salespeople in advanced, unique strategies that no other sales reps use.
We will show you how to hire the best sales people and not waste time with others. How to filter through the applicants much more efficiently.
We developed these strategies and techniques with over 35 years of experience selling show space and sponsorships over the phone and in person.
Your salespeople will learn how to canvas competitive shows and be much more effective, by:
We will teach you how to deliver more of the highest-level decision makers to buy from your exhibitors.
We can coach all levels of your marketing team, from the marcom and marketing managers on up to your VPs of Marketing.
We provide advice on hiring and using telemarketers to call and email potential attendee buyers to deliver more of them. This increases exhibitor satisfaction and dramatically increases the number of exhibitors that re-sign for the next show.
We consult on how to determine and implement the various forms of attendance marketing including direct mail, email blasts, and effective mail and email lists to select.
We will teach you how to secure the most elusive marketing promotion alliances that often decline to work with other shows. You will learn the tricks we developed to get these alliances to support you and deliver their readers and members to your event.
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